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10 ways to increase your online engagement
2-minute read
It doesn’t matter if your content is super informative and well-written if it’s not read. To ensure your customers actually take a moment to read it, try some of the following ideas to lift engagement:

Before we begin, here’s sneak peek into the online engagement tips:

1. Craft engaging subject lines
2. Deliver quality over quantity
3. Be authentic and relatable
4. Ask for feedback
5. Encourage conversation
6. Use imagery
7. Host competitions and giveaways
8. Be consistent and reliable
9. Use live video
10. Respond to questions

1.    Craft engaging subject lines
You want to grab your customers attention from the start! Consider the types of headlines that get your attention. Titles with ‘how to’, lists, and words such as ‘ultimate’ tend to perform well.

2.    Deliver quality over quantity
Ensure the quality of your content is good. This alone will make people want to come back for more.

3.    Be authentic and relatable
Have a unique voice and don’t be afraid to have an opinion. People want to consume human, emotive and personalised content.

4.    Ask for feedback
You can do this in a number of ways; online surveys, a comment section on your blog and social media channels, or emails. Wherever it may come from, make sure you listen to it. The better you know your customer, the easier it’ll be to create content that’ll interest them.

5.    Encourage conversation
Ask for your customers’ opinions on the topics you write about. They might have a different view or might have thought of something you haven’t. Conversations generate growth.

6.    Use imagery
Content that includes images or videos tend to outperform content that doesn’t. Just make sure the imagery is relevant to your topic.

7.    Host competitions and giveaways
This is a great way of growing your reach on social media. Ask your audience to repost one of your images and follow you in order to win. This way, all their friends see your brand and the content you produce.

8.    Be consistent and reliable
Determine how often you’re going to release new content and stick to it.

9.    Use live video
This feature is available on most social media platforms and is a great way of engaging with your audience. You can tour a display home or host a Q&A or online seminar. Just make sure you tell your followers beforehand, so they can tune in.

10.    Respond to questions
If your followers ask a question, whether it be on your blog, social media, or anywhere else – respond to them! You want to show your customer that you care about them and their concerns.

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